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Dr. Priti Singh, Department of Mathematics (Advertisement to invite quotation for research project)
Advertisement to Invite Quotations for the Minor Research Project granted by Patna University to Dr. Sovan Chakraborty, Department of English
Guru Ravidass Jayanti 2025
Advertisement to invite quotation
Result for the post of Technical Assistant in the DST SERB project SPG/ 2021/002269
Call For Publication Of Research Papers
Special Cleanliness Drives in the Campus on each 2nd and 4th Saturday
Hindi Diwas Samaroh on 26/09/2024
Inter-College Sports Competition Selection (Open trial)
Advertisement for the post of Technical Assistant, for remaining period of DST-SERB project, PI (Dr. Punam Ranjan)
Important notice regarding attendance
Startup Outreach Program
Meeting of Infrastructure Development committee Dated 25.07.2024
Induction Meet 2024-28
As Advertisement inviting quotations for project items in SERB-DST SPG/2021/002269
Admission Schedule for PG and UG Regular and Self Financing Programme 2024
Sparrow Home Preparation
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Migration Certificate Submission dates for B.Sc. regular & Vocational, session (2024-28) students.
Admission Notice, BSc Part- III (2024-25) - non collegiate
Meeting of Academic Planning Committee Dated 25.07.2024
Inter-college Chess Tournament on 20.07.2024
B.Sc. sem I(2024-28)_course registration. Dated 05.07.2024
Induction Meet 2024-28
Career Counselling Session organised by Placement and Career Counselling Cell in association with GNIOT Institute of Management Studies
Workshop on "Awareness of Intellectual Property Rights
Extension of last date of UG admission 2024-25
Admission Notice of Semester IV (2022-25)
Admission Notice for B.Sc. Regular and Self-financing Programs (session 2024-28)